Tuesday, 31 May 2016

WEEK 5: Day 3

Today I went back to design. I find it easier to work when I'm constantly doing something different so I'm going to keep switching between pattern cutting, toiling and designing.

I started off by going through all the designs is don't and choosing my favourites. I realised that I didn't have any dresses that I liked and although it's not necessary, I would like to have at least one dress in the collection. I tried turning some of the tops and jackets that weren't my favourite into dresses but I don't really like how these turned out and hey ended up seeming a bit forced as they hadn't come to me naturally so this will be something that I will go back to when the time is right.

I used today to develop my designs more. I went through them and changed them all slightly several times until I drew one that I really loved. I also thought about fabrics that I could use by putting fabric samples next to my illustrations and little details such as top stitching, fastenings, pocket shapes and how exactly things would be made.

I didn't manage to do all the designs but today was useful because I went through my designs and started to see motifs and details which were being repeated. There were also some clothes that although I really liked didn't really fit with the other clothes so I'm going to see how I can modify them to fit in or if I'll have to scrap them from the collection.

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