Tuesday, 31 May 2016


Today I went through some fabric samples that I had from previous projects and picked some that could be used again for this project. I like some of the such a faux suede that I had a and some sparkly wools but I definitely need to go again soon to get fabrics which are more relevant to this project.

Next I did some collages and illustrations showing different ways that text could be incorporated in this collection. I decided to use some lyrics from Queen Latifahs song U.N.I.T.Y which portray a strong, confident woman, the type of woman I want to be wearing my clothes. Text is something that I definitely want to use in these clothes but I'm by sure if I'll have to time fully develop it in a way that I really like. However, I'm going to do some samples of ways to put text on fabric such as digital print, fabric paints and embroidery and see how they turn out and if text will be something I want to use in my final piece.

After that I went back through my design pages and worked into my initial designs more. Using images that I had left over from my research stage, I expanded on my stand work. I did this because although my I liked my initial designs I wanted to develop them further and have a clearer link of how my research was informing my designs. I really like some of the ideas I came up with and next I am going to choose my favourite designs and develop these more until I have something that I love.

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